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Cardano (ADA) Might Get New AI Focus, Cardano Founder Drops Hint

Charles Hoskinson, the CEO of Input Output, the blockchain start-up in charge of the Cardano protocol, has hinted at a new focus for the proof of stake network. Hoskinson shared a video by medical doctor YouTuber Vinay Prasad on how ChatGPT, a large language model, could revolutionize the world of medicine. The tweet suggests that Hoskinson and the Cardano team may be exploring opportunities to form functional partnerships with development teams to leverage the technology underpinning ChatGPT. Additionally, Hoskinson may be backing the development of decentralized applications that can use ChatGPT's technology. The pivot towards medicine could be the next step for Hoskinson, who has a flair for scientific innovations that aid human life. Cardano is well-positioned to harbor any form of innovation underpinning ChatGPT technology, and we can expect to see more unique innovations in the near future.

(By Godfrey Benjamin)


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