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Sushi Integrates Transak Fiat Onramp

Cointime Official

Sushi has announced its partnership with Transak to integrate its fiat on-ramp into the Sushi app, allowing users to buy over 130 cryptocurrencies directly from the app homepage using any of the 21+ local payment methods supported from almost any country in the world.

The integration is a quality-of-life improvement that offers users easier access to DeFi. The Transak fiat on-ramp allows users to buy cryptocurrencies directly via credit card, debit card, Apple Pay or Google Pay. The process of purchasing crypto via the Transak fiat on-ramp is simple and intuitive, with users inputting the currency they wish to pay in, the method of payment, and the token they would like to receive. The integration changes nothing about the Sushi app or any of its underlying contracts, with the only difference being the Buy Crypto option on the user interface.

As mentioned in the announcement, in addition to Transak, there are several other fiat onramps available, including Coinbase, Onramper, Moonpay, Binance,, Kraken, and Simplex.

About Sushi

Sushi is building a comprehensive DeFi ecosystem with AMM, leverage & margin trading platform, token launchpad and NFT artist platform. 

About Transak

Transak is a developer integration toolkit that enables you as an app developer to onboard your users to buy/sell crypto in any blockchain app, website or web plugin. 


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