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Fluid Finance Proposes to Integrate the DAI Decentralized Stablecoin Directly Into the Traditional Financial System

Fluid Finance submitted a proposal to integrate the DAI decentralized stablecoin directly into the traditional financial system. It would be the first time that a stablecoin could be purchased directly from a bank account.

Jessica Walker at Fluid said: “One of the problems with crypto is the lack of connection to the real world. Fluid solves that by integrating Dai directly into our accounts. Users can buy Dai directly from us using dollars, euros, pounds and dozens of other currencies. Dai holders can also now buy coffee on their Fluid Cards, which operate on the Mastercard network”.

Fluid offers traditional bank accounts in Europe and the UK and Fluid Accounts, which are open to anyone globally. Users can connect their Web3 wallets to these accounts, for a seamless TradFi – DeFi experience. “Gone are the days of having to go through an exchange,” – said Walker.


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