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CSOP Bitcoin Futures ETF Closes Higher in Hong Kong Debut

HONG KONG, Dec 16 (Reuters) - Hong Kong's first bitcoin and ether futures exchange traded funds (ETFs) ended their first trading day higher on Friday, reflecting investors' interest despite the broader crypto market meltdown.

The CSOP Bitcoin Futures ETF (3066.HK) closed up 0.5% at HK$7.81 per unit, while the CSOP Ether Futures ETF ended 0.4% higher at HK$7.805.

Both ETFs had opened flat compared to their estimated net asset values, both at HK$7.77 per unit. Among the two, the bitcoin futures ETF attracted more trading volume, as a total of 937,200 units worth HK$7.3 million changed hands.

(By Georgina Lee)


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