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Lookonchain: The person who profited from manipulating the price of YFI through dydx once used the same method to manipulate the price of SUSHI

Someone manipulated the price of YFI on dydx to make a profit. On November 14th and 15th, wallets "0xCCb6" and "0xB017" deposited a large amount of USDC into dydx through multiple addresses, possibly to go long on YFI.

Afterwards, the price of YFI began to rise. When the price of YFI reached its highest point on November 17th, wallet "0xB017" withdrew USDC from dydx through multiple wallets and deposited USDC into dydx through other wallets, possibly closing out their long position and then shorting YFI at the highest price.

After the price of YFI plummeted on November 18th, wallet "0xB017" withdrew a large amount of USDC from dydx through multiple addresses, which is likely the profit from shorting YFI.

On November 1st, this person had previously attempted to manipulate the price of SUSHI using the same method.


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