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Coinbase Pro Bitcoin wallet balance decreased by 15,176.64 in the past 30 days

According to Coinglass data, the current balance of Bitcoin wallet on Binance is 540,971.16 coins, ranking first in CEX; 2960.15 coins were withdrawn in the past 24 hours, 720.48 coins were deposited in the past 7 days, and 4361.91 coins were deposited in the past 30 days. Bitfinex's Bitcoin wallet has a balance of 385,180.73 coins, with 2396.57 coins deposited in the past 24 hours, 4159.66 coins deposited in the past 7 days, and 13532.75 coins deposited in the past 30 days. Coinbase Pro's Bitcoin wallet has a balance of 266,738.84 coins, with 52.32 coins deposited in the past 24 hours, 1946.58 coins deposited in the past 7 days, and 15176.64 coins withdrawn in the past 30 days.


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