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US3R Network: Breaking Data Barriers and Leading a New Web 3.0 Ecology

Cointime Official

US3R Network: Breaking Data Barriers and Leading a New Web 3.0 Ecology

US3R Network is a blockchain technology-based developer platform and application ecosystem whose goal is to provide a more flexible and interoperable data storage layer for decentralized hybrid applications. The project advances Web 3.0 by creating and nurturing an ecosystem of decentralized hybrid applications and helps enable a more autonomous, secure, transparent and open Internet.

Unlike traditional centralized applications, decentralized applications distribute data and control across the nodes of the network. This architecture enables decentralized applications to achieve higher levels of security, privacy and reliability. However, at the same time, since current decentralized products only support static, immutable data, developers often need to develop their own centralized services to support dynamic data scenarios that cannot be met by smart contracts, which has become one of the biggest pain points for developers. The data mutability middleware provided by US3R Network can solve this problem by providing developers with a more flexible data storage component that supports dynamic data, version control, permission management, and other functions.

In addition to the innovation of data storage layer, US3R Network also focuses on extending the application scenarios of Web 3 applications. Currently, Web 3 applications are mainly focused on the Fintech domain, such as cryptocurrency and decentralized exchanges. US3R Network believes that there is still a lot of room for Web 3 applications to expand to a wider range of scenarios, such as social, UGC, and so on. Therefore, US3R Network provides more components and tools to support the development of these application scenarios, such as social networking protocols, game engines, data visualization tools, etc.

In short, the goal of US3R Network is to provide a comprehensive platform and ecosystem for developers to create and run more secure, reliable, autonomous and innovative decentralized hybrid applications. By driving the development of Web 3.0, US3R Network hopes to promote the popularity and adoption of blockchain technology and build a more open, transparent and connected Internet world.

Business Model

US3R Network's business model consists of two main aspects: U3 and S3.

1. U3

U3 is a user-centered super application designed to provide one-stop services for ordinary Web3 users. By providing users with features such as daily content, events, social and popular Dapps, U3 attracts a large amount of user traffic. Based on this traffic, US3R Network can explore various business models, such as advertising, paid subscriptions, token economy, etc., to achieve profitability.


S3 is the only open source data browser on Ceramic Network and is an early part of the decentralized user-owned data development stack. US3R Network's revenue model comes from agreement fees in the storage incentive program. The project believes that as more users and developers join the ecosystem, the use of off-chain data will grow rapidly, driving up protocol fees. By charging an agreement fee, US3R Network can provide better service and support to developers and users, and facilitate the growth of the entire ecosystem.

In summary, US3R Network's business model is built on its super application U3 and open source data browser S3. By attracting user traffic and charging agreement fees, US3R Network is committed to providing better services and support to developers and users, and driving growth and innovation throughout the ecosystem.

Strategy Introduction

US3R Network's strategic plan is based on its insight and understanding of the trends in off-chain data and Web3 applications. The project believes that as more and more developers and users join the Web3 ecosystem, off-chain data usage will be several orders of magnitude higher than on-chain data, and the number of users will approach the level of Web2 applications. Therefore, different infrastructures are needed to support this zone-centric off-chain data on the developer side and on the user side.

To achieve this goal, US3R Network has adopted a number of strategies:

1. Create a vibrant Dapps ecosystem that transforms centralized application data silos into user-centric interoperable and composable data Lego blocks. By providing more flexible, interoperable data storage components and tools, US3R Network hopes to create a better experience and value for developers and users of decentralized applications.

2. Build core toolkits, infrastructure (S3) and client applications (U3) to bootstrap their user networks and interoperable data. In addition to providing developers with more components and tools, US3R Network is committed to building the necessary infrastructure and applications to support the needs of users.

3. Continuously attract more users to use Super Application U3 and build more features in S3. By providing attractive applications and continuously enhancing its functionality, US3R Network hopes to attract more users to join its ecosystem.

4. Protocol-based openness and composable data allow all developers to enjoy the network effects of the protocols US3R Network believes that protocol openness and composability are key to achieving interoperability and scalability in the Web 3.0 ecosystem. Therefore, US3R Network uses a protocol-based approach to facilitate collaboration among developers to share the network effects and accelerate the development of the ecosystem.

In summary, US3R Network's strategy is to build an open, flexible, interoperable, and scalable Web 3.0 ecosystem that provides a better experience and value for developers and users. The project also promotes openness and composability of protocols and makes every effort to facilitate collaboration and sharing among developers to accelerate the development and innovation of the ecosystem.

Core Feature: Ceramic Eco-Compatibility

There is a close relationship between US3R Network and Ceramic, a decentralized data network designed to enable Web3 composability, with its core function of retrieving variable and dynamic data from static and immutable data on storage protocols.

The US3R Network, on the other hand, is a developer platform and application ecosystem designed to build tools and infrastructure for off-chain programmable, interoperable, self-authenticating data networks to create and nurture an ecosystem of decentralized hybrid applications.

US3R Network and Ceramic's early protocols are 100% compatible and both codes are open source, allowing direct access to the existing Ceramic application ecosystem, code and user data resources.

In addition, US3R Network is the only open source data browser provider for the Ceramic ecosystem, providing developers with a better development experience and support.

In addition to its collaboration with Ceramic, US3R Network is actively involved in contributing to and expanding the protocol. For example, the project is working on privacy data protection, promoting the implementation of share state and event functions. Through these efforts, US3R Network not only contributes to the development of the entire ecosystem, but also strengthens its competitiveness and innovation.

As mentioned above, US3R Network and Ceramic have a close relationship. The two have compatible early protocols and the code is open source to complement and leverage each other. Through the cooperation and contribution with Ceramic, US3R Network hopes to contribute more to the development of the whole ecosystem and provide better services and support to developers and users.


US3R Network is a blockchain technology-based developer platform and application ecosystem designed to provide a more flexible and interoperable data storage layer for decentralized hybrid applications. The project advances Web 3.0 by creating and nurturing an ecosystem of decentralized hybrid applications and helps enable a more autonomous, secure, transparent and open Internet.

As the US3R Network continues to grow and evolve, it will continue to explore and expand into a wider range of application scenarios and business models in the future. For example, with the growing concern about data privacy and security, US3R Network may further enhance its privacy protection features to provide more secure and trusted services to users and developers.

In addition, with the rise of NFT and metaverse, US3R Network is likely to introduce more components and tools targeting these emerging markets to meet the needs of different domains.

In conclusion, as blockchain technology continues to evolve and gain popularity, US3R Network will continue to play an important role in promoting innovation and development of the Web 3.0 ecosystem in the future. We can expect to see more interesting application scenarios and business models emerge, and US3R Network will continue to contribute to this vibrant and innovative ecosystem.


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