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How to Effectively Transition Users from Web2 to Web3

With the rapid advancement of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, Web3 is becoming the future of the internet. However, enabling Web2 users to seamlessly transition to Web3 is a pressing issue. Web2 has accumulated significant social value through its rapid development, while Web3 currently lacks sufficient scenarios to support this value beyond DeFi trading applications. How Web2's value can be effectively transferred to Web3 is crucial, and the core factors influencing this are the account system and payment system.

In the centralized Web2 structure, accounts and payments are processed efficiently, allowing users to experience smooth services based on trust in major platforms. However, Web3 operates on a decentralized asset architecture. While users gain ownership of accounts and assets, the higher operational barriers make it difficult for many Web2 users to break out of their existing habits and enter Web3. Although many infrastructures for creating MPC wallets have emerged in recent years, they still fail to address the real-world usage and asset flow scenarios effectively. To achieve this transition, we must focus on two key points: frictionless and cost-free user experience and ensuring users can manage and circulate their crypto assets. Let’s delve into how this transformation can be achieved.

Frictionless + Cost-Free User Experience

For most Web2 users, entering Web3 may seem complex and unfamiliar. To facilitate a smooth transition, we must address the following aspects:

  1. Simplify Processes: Reduce the steps required for users to register and use Web3 applications. By designing intuitive interfaces and simplifying operational processes, we can significantly lower the learning curve. Utilizing widely-used social accounts to generate wallets is an effective approach.
  2. Zero-Cost Experience: While existing Web3 wallets enable easy account creation, all wallets are based on specific blockchain infrastructure and incur Gas fees during asset transfers. This often prevents users from fully utilizing their wallets. Providing a zero-cost experience in the initial stages is crucial.
  3. Seamless Integration: Integrate Web3 technology into familiar applications and platforms to ensure a natural and smooth experience. For example, incorporating Web3 features into existing social media platforms allows users to explore these technologies within a comfortable environment.

Users Owning Wallets and Circulating Crypto Assets

True Web3 experience involves not only having an account but also managing and circulating one's crypto assets. Key measures to achieve this include:

  1. Provide Simple Wallet Creation: Offer intuitive and user-friendly wallet creation tools to ensure even those with minimal technical knowledge can easily get started. Providing backup and recovery options will enhance users' sense of security. The transition from MPC wallets to EOA wallets must be achieved autonomously by users after a cost-free and seamless entry into Web3, supported by knowledge and awareness.
  2. Facilitate Crypto Asset Circulation: Engaging a large user base in Web3 and enabling them to circulate crypto assets involves complex product and financial logic. Users face numerous hurdles, and initiating payments in an uncertain value system is challenging. The first step is ensuring frictionless and cost-free entry, followed by acquiring assets through Web2 value, and finally, circulating assets and participating in various products. These steps are crucial for large-scale adoption.
  3. Establish Trustworthy Education and Incentive Mechanisms: Besides providing straightforward wallet creation and convenient asset circulation channels, setting up effective educational and incentive mechanisms is key. Develop educational programs tailored to different user groups, including easy-to-understand tutorials, online workshops, and interactive learning platforms. Additionally, design attractive incentive schemes, such as small crypto rewards for completing certain learning modules, to encourage users to actively learn and engage with Web3. This approach will help users adapt faster to Web3 and experience tangible value returns, increasing their engagement and loyalty.


To successfully transition Web2 users to Web3 and enable them to integrate into this emerging ecosystem, we must address several critical challenges. Simplifying the user experience and reducing costs are primary tasks. By optimizing processes, offering zero-cost experiences, and seamlessly integrating Web3 technology, we can significantly lower the entry barriers. Additionally, ensuring users can not only obtain wallet addresses but also manage and circulate their crypto assets is essential. This requires providing simple wallet creation methods and facilitating asset circulation.

Web2's rapid development has brought considerable social value, while Web3's broader application is still in the exploratory phase. Effectively transferring Web2's value to Web3 is not only a technical challenge but also a process requiring well-designed user experiences and support services. By addressing Web3's operational complexity and cost issues, and leveraging Web2's mature scenarios and value systems, we can create a more natural and seamless transition for users. The future widespread adoption will rely on the successful implementation of these three critical processes: frictionless and cost-free user experiences, acquiring assets through Web2 value, and actively circulating and participating in Web3 ecosystems.

These steps will not only facilitate the smooth transition from Web2 to Web3 but also drive the transformation of the entire internet ecosystem, creating genuine value for users. Let’s work together to usher in a new era of Web3!



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