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Chainlink: Stake v0.2 will be launched in 3 days, and priority migration will be open on November 29th

On November 26th, Chainlink announced on social media that Chainlink Stake v0.2 will be released within 3 days, and priority migration will be developed at 1 am Beijing time on November 29th. Within 9 days, v0.1 stakers can migrate their staked LINK and accumulated rewards to v0.2 and ensure their access rights.
Previously reported by BlockBeats, on October 20th, Chainlink announced the upcoming release of Chainlink Staking v0.2. This upgrade focuses on providing stakers with greater flexibility through a new unbonding mechanism, improving the security of oracle services by reducing stakes, achieving seamless upgrades in the future through modular architecture, and dynamic reward mechanisms. Stake v0.2 involves three stages of launch processes: priority migration, early access, and regular access.


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