Peloton Therapeutics



Peloton Therapeutics, a biotech company based in Dallas, is involved in discovering and developing novel drugs for cancer treatments.

  • 51 - 100


Biotechnology,Health Care,Medical Device,Pharmaceutical,Therapeutics
Founded date
Jan 1, 2010
Number Of Employee
51 - 100
Operating Status

A peloton is a team of bicyclists who achieve great efficiency of motion through cooperative action. It is also the root of platoon, a nimble military unit with capabilities that exceed the sum of its component parts. Founded by Chairman of Biochemistry Steven L. McKnight of UT Southwestern Medical Center, Peloton Therapeutics represents a unique combination of innovative science, strong financial support from the Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT), and seasoned investors and management. Working in close collaboration with scientists at UT Southwestern, Peloton is advancing a promising discovery and development pipeline, comprised of several small molecule-based programs, each with a distinct target and mechanism of action. Peloton's vision is to become a major biotech company in Dallas with a passion for discovering and developing novel cancer drugs.