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How Blockchains Are Using Chainlink CCIP to Power Their Canonical Token Bridge

The blockchain ecosystem has become a multi-chain landscape, with hundreds of layer-1 and layer-2 networks, rollups, sidechains, appchains, and other environments, with continued ecosystem growth ultimately driving towards a future with thousands of different public and private blockchain networks. This Cambrian explosion has led to a diversity of blockchains, each offering unique value propositions for their users and developers.
How Blockchains Are Using Chainlink CCIP to Power Their Canonical Token Bridge

Smart Layer has integrated ENS CCIP with Smart Cats executable NFTs

According to official sources on January 17th, Smart Layer has integrated the CCIP (ERC-3668) of ENS domain service with Smart Cats' executable NFTs. Over 20,000 Smart Cat owners have already claimed ENS subdomains (such as tcati.TheSmartCats.eth) for their NFTs (ECR-6551 wallet address). The "Name Your Cat" feature was inspired by Vitalik's proposal, which emphasizes the importance of economical ENS subdomains and off-chain/L2 data support.

Vitalik: All L2 should run on CCIP resolver to register directly on L2

Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, wrote that all L2 should run on the CCIP parser so that we can directly register, update, and read ENS subdomains on L2. ENS is very important and needs to be affordable.

DFX Finance integrates Chainlink CCIP on Polygon and Arbitrum mainnets

Decentralized foreign exchange (FX) protocol DFX Finance has announced that it has integrated Chainlink CCIP (the industry standard for secure cross-chain interoperability) on the Polygon and Arbitrum mainnets. The aim is to use CCIP's simplified token transfer function to promote cross-chain interoperability between L2s, thereby achieving secure and efficient transfer across multiple chains.

Chainlink: CCIP will create the world’s largest liquidity layer

Chainlink stated on social media that CCIP will create the world's largest liquidity layer.
Chainlink: CCIP will create the world’s largest liquidity layer

ParaX Launches Gas-Efficient NFT Oracles with Chainlink's CCIP for Enhanced Accuracy

ParaX, a NFT lending platform, has announced the launch of new open-source NFT oracles that are more accurate and gas-efficient, thanks to Chainlink's Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP). While Chainlink's oracle algorithm has been effective at mitigating risk, it falls short on price accuracy, which is also important for NFT lending. By using CCIP, ParaX can create interoperable NFT oracles which feed price data between a layer two, such as Arbitrum and Ethereum, resulting in greater price accuracy and reduced gas consumption by over 50%. This innovation enables ParaX to provide accurate, efficient and gas-optimized NFT oracles for not only their users but also for other NFTfi protocols due to their open-sourced architecture.