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SlowMist: Investigation and Analysis of Third-party Sources of Fake Web3 Wallets

Currently, this type of scam is not only active but also expanding in scope, with new victims falling prey to it every day.
SlowMist: Investigation and Analysis of Third-party Sources of Fake Web3 Wallets

SlowMist: Beware of WalletConnect Phishing Risks in Web3 Wallets

The SlowMist security team detected a security vulnerability on January 30, 2023, which could lead to phishing attacks through inappropriate use of WalletConnect on Web3 wallets.
SlowMist: Beware of WalletConnect Phishing Risks in Web3 Wallets

Uncovering the Twist Attack Vulnerability: Was This a Failed Scam by Ronin exploiter?

In this article, we delved into the twisted curve attack in elliptic curve encryption algorithms through an unconventional dialogue. We analyzed the underlying cause of this vulnerability and although its exploit scenarios are limited, it is still a valuable vulnerability to be aware of.
Uncovering the Twist Attack Vulnerability: Was This a Failed Scam by Ronin exploiter?

How Effective Is GPT for Auditing Smart Contracts?

Despite the current limitations of GPT’s analysis and mining capabilities for contract vulnerabilities, its ability to analyze and generate reports on simple code blocks for common vulnerabilities still sparks excitement among users.
How Effective Is GPT for Auditing Smart Contracts?

SlowMist: An Analysis of the Attack on Euler Finance

On March 13th, 2023, the lending project, Euler Finance, on the Ethereum blockchain was attacked, and the attacker profited approximately 200 million US dollars. The SlowMist Security Team intervened and analyzed the situation promptly, and shared the results as follows.
SlowMist: An Analysis of the Attack on Euler Finance

ZKP Series: Principles and Implementation of Extensibility Attacks on Groth16 Proofs

Groth16 is vulnerable to extensibility attacks, as new proofs can be forged through simple calculations. In practice, it is important to take measures to prevent double-spending attacks.
ZKP Series: Principles and Implementation of Extensibility Attacks on Groth16 Proofs

ZKP Series: Pseudonym Input Vulnerability in Circom’s Verification Contract Has Been Replicated

Input pseudonym vulnerability is a frequently encountered vulnerability in zero-knowledge proof and cryptography implementation. Its fundamental cause lies in the value being equivalent to the remainder within the finite field.
ZKP Series: Pseudonym Input Vulnerability in Circom’s Verification Contract Has Been Replicated

ZKP Series: A Catalog of Technical Features in Popular ZKP Implementation Schemes

Zero-knowledge proofs offer an effective solution to privacy, scalability, and data compression issues in blockchain. There are various implementation schemes with different performance and security benchmarks.
ZKP Series: A Catalog of Technical Features in Popular ZKP Implementation Schemes

SlowMist: How to Choose an Anti-Phishing Plugin

Currently, numerous anti-phishing browser plug-ins are available on the market. In the following section, we will scrutinize and contrast these plug-ins, with the hope of offering some security guidance to NFT users.
SlowMist: How to Choose an Anti-Phishing Plugin

SlowMist: 2022 Blockchain Security and AML Analysis Annual Report

This report takes a close look at the major events in the blockchain industry that took place in 2022. It provides an overview of the security status of each area within the industry and delves into common attack techniques.
SlowMist: 2022 Blockchain Security and AML Analysis Annual Report
慢雾科技是一家专注区块链生态安全的公司,成立于 2018 年 1 月,主要通过“威胁发现到威胁防御一体化因地制宜的安全解决方案”服务了全球许多头部或知名的项目,已有商业客户上千家,客户分布在十几个主要国家与地区。