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Release Blockhash Opcode Restrictions with zk-SNARKs for Optimistic Bridges

This post is a proposed solution to release the restrictions that exist in Ethereum opcode by using zk-SNARKs. Furthermore, I hope to use this idea to solve the challenges of the optimistic bridges.
Release Blockhash Opcode Restrictions with zk-SNARKs for Optimistic Bridges

Negative Price AMM ±⟨DiracAMM⟩

We discover that negative liquidity is possible and construct an AMM to access the negative domain by allowing the price to go negative. The invariant for a negative price happens to be the formula for a circle and the liquidity distribution happens to have a power law tail. You can interact with and compare it to an RMM here. Most interesting points are outlined below with link to paper at the end.
Negative Price AMM ±⟨DiracAMM⟩

State of Stablecoins: Signs of Returning Liquidity

Stablecoins have emerged as a crucial pillar within the dynamically evolving digital asset ecosystem. Serving as a stable store of value, they bring resilience amidst tides of volatility, providing stability and utility not only in mature markets but also emerging economies grappling with high inflation and barriers to accessing financial infrastructure.
State of Stablecoins: Signs of Returning Liquidity